Touch for Health
Kids cannot always tell us exactly what they feel emotionally, what they need or where the problem is located. But there is often a sense that something isn’t right we call it the sixth sense.
This is where Touch for Health Steps in. Designed to help people be aware of their bodies and their miraculous natural capacity to regenerate, adapt, and create new experiences and joy. It bridges the gap between feeling “not well” or out of balance and feeling “sick enough” to consult a professional.
Touch for health uses the Triangle of Health approach. Structural, Bio-Chemical and Emotional. Improving diets (bio-chemistry), exercise (structure) can improve our mental attitude (emotions). Improved attitude can change our bio-chemistry, and posture. Better postural alignment allows all our body systems to work more effectively. By integrating muscle testing which tests the energy status of the whole body; we can get answers on the energetic / body meridians, neurovascular points, lymphatic points, and spinal reflexes.
Touch for health also allows someone to step in, ‘in place of’ someone else to be tested on and assist with the correction. This is termed “surrogate”. We can integrate this in our pediatric sessions by having a parent on the table when kids are unable to sit or lay still, or communicate.
Touch for Health can be a stand alone therapy or integrated into sessions based on what is needed.
Commonly treated conditions:
Trauma, anxiety, stress, emotional stress conditions, bullying, keeping “shield” up,
Sleep Disorders, tiredness, and fatigue
Crying for no reason
Jaundice, constipation,
Breathing Conditions such as asthma, upper respiratory illnesses (we are treating a lot of post covid-19)
Digestive system issues, allergies, GI tract imbalances
Immune system function, diabetes, sugar related issues, weight changes,
Urinary issues, incontinence, bed wetting, fears
Eye Conditions - fall asleep or feel tired when reading, dyslexic patterns, eye tracking.
Learning difficulties
Special Needs
Pain Syndromes
Sports, Dance, Fine Motor Activities,
GAIT and Posture:
Walking before crawling, imbalances, protruding abdomen, winged scapulas, flat low back, flat upper back, posterior overhang, scoliosis, flat feet, pronating ankles, rounded shoulders, head forward carriage, bow-legged, “knocked knees”, pelvic tilts
Brain-body balancing
Skin conditions, acne, eczema
Hearing conditions.